With worldwide vehicle shortages, fewer models on the lot to choose from, and the rising popularity of online shopping, it’s no wonder that factory ordering has become more appealing than ever. Below we will show you the benefits and convenience of factory ordering.
Calling Dibs gives you the ability to personalize
When factory ordering a vehicle, you can be sure that you get exactly what you’re looking for as opposed to settling for what is available. Whether you want Apple Car Play/Android Auto, a Self-Opening/Closing Trunk, or leather/cloth interior, you can have all of the features you want, and none of the ones you don’t with factory ordering.
“You have the ability to get exactly what you want, and you can customize your exact colour combinations and feature selection without compromise,” said BriAnne Anderson, a Product Advisor at Birchwood Volkswagen.
When factory ordering, you can lock in an interest rate— meaning it won’t change if the vehicle takes a while to arrive and the market prices change.
“It gives you a bit more time to prepare financially, especially if you’re upgrading to something bigger,” said Kaylan Gray, a Product Advisor at Birchwood Honda.
Change your mind? No worries! You can change it any time before you pick up the vehicle and sign the final paperwork.

Call Dibs on the vehicle you want
Sometimes, a new vehicle that just came out won’t be available directly from your dealership and can be hard to locate. Once a vehicle drops, you can factory order it with help from a Birchwood Professional or do it online through the Birchwood website.
Be the first to drive it
That new car smell is one of the great things about getting into a brand-new vehicle. Factory ordering ensures you are the first to drive the vehicle so that every kilometer on the speedometer is your own!

Want to call Dibs on your favourite vehicle? Birchwood can make that possible. Getting your hands on a hard to find models, custom colour combinations, and brand-new features is made easy with factory ordering. Visit Birchwood.ca to learn more about the perfect car for you!